The promoting effect of magnesium on NiMgLaZr catalysts for biogas upgrading to syngas via a tri-reforming process.

S. Veiga, M. Romero, D. Segobia, C. Apesteguía, J. Bussi.

Biomass and Bioenergy 193 (2025) 107588.

Hydrogen production from pure and crude glycerol photoreforming using platinum supported on TiO2 and N-TiO2.

M. Musso, S. Veiga, A. De León, A. Quevedo, J. Bussi.

Materials Letters 357 (2024) 135714.

Hydrogen production via steam reforming of small organic compounds present in the aqueous fraction of bio-oil over Ni-La-Me catalysts (Me= Ce, Ti, Zr)

M. Musso, S. Veiga, F. Perdomo, T. Rodríguez, N. Mazzei, B. Decarlini, P. Portugau, J. Bussi.

Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery 14 (2024) 2421–2437.

Characterization and application of a bismuth titanate Bi2Ti2O7 synthetized through a solvothermal route for glycerol photooxidation and photoreforming

M. Musso, S. Veiga, A. De León, A. Quevedo, J. Bussi.

Materials Letters 330 (2023) 133346.

Biogas dry reforming over Ni-La-Ti catalysts for synthesis gas production: Effects of preparation method and biogas composition

S. Veiga, M. Romero, R. Faccio, D. Segobia, C. Apesteguía, A.L. Pérez, C.D. Brondino, J. Bussi.

Fuel 343 (2023) 128300.

High performance Ni-catalysts supported on rare-earth zirconates (La and Y) for hydrogen production through ethanol steam reforming. Characterization and assay

M. Musso, A. Cardozo, M. Romero, R. Faccio, D. Segobia, C. Apesteguía, J. Bussi.

Catalysis Today 394-396 (2022) 524-538.

Publicaciones 2021-2025

NiLaM (M= Ce and/or Zr) mixed oxide catalysts for synthesis gas production by biogas reforming processes.

S. Veiga, R. Faccio, M. Romero, J. Bussi.

Materials Letters 293 (2021) 129724.

Facile deposition of a Ni-La-Zr catalyst on a FeCrAl monolith using the polymerized complex method: application to syngas production by tri-reforming of biogas.

S. Veiga, M. Romero, J. Bussi.

Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis, (2024).